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Friday, 31 March 2023

EBS : AP Query : Oracle APPS

Oracle APPS AP Useful Query

Query to get List of Invoice on Hold


    aiv.vendor_name,    aiv.vendor_number,       aiv.invoice_num,      aiv.gl_date,       aiv.terms_date,

    aiv.terms_name,      ahv.hold_date,    ahv.release_date 

FROM    apps.ap_invoices_v aiv,apps.ap_holds_v ahv



    and aiv.invoice_id=ahv.invoice_id

  --  and aiv.invoice_id=apsa.invoice_id

  and   HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE   like 'QTY ORD%' and RELEASE_REASON is null

order by hold_date desc;

EBS : How to read XML File using SQL Query: Oracle APPS

 EBS : How to read XML File using SQL Query: Oracle APPS

Preparing a Nested Query to read XML FILE from Appl Server.

select Hdrxml.TRX_IDHdrxml.BILL_TO_NAME, Hdrxml.TRX_NUMBER,Hdrxml.G_LINE,linexml.*


                            (SELECT XMLTYPE(bfilename('XX_AR_INV_OUT', 'o87864385Copy.out'), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) xml_data

                             FROM dual) a, xmltable('/XX_AR_INV_XML_GEN/LIST_G_INV/G_INV' passing a.xml_data

                              columns TRX_ID NUMBER path 'TRX_ID',

                                      BILL_TO_NAME VARCHAR2(1000) path 'BILL_TO_NAME',

                                      TRX_NUMBER VARCHAR2(1000) path 'TRX_NUMBER' ,

                                      G_LINE XMLTYPE PATH 'LIST_G_LINE/G_LINE'


                               xmltable('/G_LINE' passing Hdrxml.G_LINE

                              columns LINE_NUMBER NUMBER path 'LINE_NUMBER',

                                      ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2(1000) path 'ITEM_NUMBER',

                                      QUANTITY_SHIPPED VARCHAR2(1000) path 'QUANTITY_SHIPPED',

                                      UNIT_PRICE  VARCHAR2(1000) path 'UNIT_PRICE',

                                      UOM_CODE    VARCHAR2(1000) path 'UOM_CODE'



Monday, 27 March 2023

Oracle SQL Query Video


Oracle SQL Query useful Tutorial Video

Sunday, 19 March 2023


 Oracle SQL : Live Example

----Converting multiple columns into single using  LISTAGG Function--

select distinct aia.invoice_num,LISTAGG( line_number,',') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY line_number ) AS line_num from ap_invoices_all aia, ap_invoice_lines_all aila

where aia.invoice_id=aila.invoice_id

and aia.org_id=aila.org_id

group by aia.invoice_num;

---------------- Group by having clause-----------------------------------------------

select 'A' BLOCK ,aia.invoice_num,LISTAGG( line_number,',') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY line_number ) AS line_num

from ap_invoices_all aia, ap_invoice_lines_all aila

where aia.invoice_id=aila.invoice_id

and aia.org_id=aila.org_id

group by aia.invoice_num

having count(aila.line_number) < 3

---------------------Union ALL -------------

select 'A' BLOCK ,

aia.invoice_num--,LISTAGG( line_number,',') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY line_number ) AS line_num

from ap_invoices_all aia, ap_invoice_lines_all aila

where aia.invoice_id=aila.invoice_id

and aia.org_id=aila.org_id

and aia.invoice_num ='ERS-36577'

--and rownum <5

--group by aia.invoice_num;

--having count(aila.line_number) < 3

Union all

select 'B' BLOCK ,

aia.invoice_num--LISTAGG( line_number,',') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY line_number ) AS line_num

from ap_invoices_all aia, ap_invoice_lines_all aila

where aia.invoice_id=aila.invoice_id

and aia.org_id=aila.org_id

and aia.invoice_num ='ERS-36577'

--group by aia.invoice_num

--having count(aila.line_number) > 10;

-----------------------Decode , Case, ----------------------------------------

select gcck.concatenated_segments,

--gcck.SEGMENT1||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT2||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT3||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT4|| '-'||gcck.SEGMENT5||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT6||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT7||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT8||'-'||gcck.SEGMENT9 "ACCOUNT",


 case  when gcck.SEGMENT3 in  ( 5250,1110,1590,4150)then




 end SOB_ITP,


 from gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck;

 where gcck.SEGMENT3 != '5250';

 ---------Nested Case Statement---------

 select gcck.concatenated_segments, gcck.SEGMENT3,

 case  when gcck.SEGMENT2 in  ( '520','170','510')then

   case when gcck.SEGMENT3 in  ( '5250','1590')then







 end SOB_ITP

 from gl_code_combinations_kfv gcck;

 where gcck.SEGMENT3 != '5250';

EBS : Oracle :SQL Query Question

Oracle Apps SQL Query Requirements 

1) write a query to display po_no,po_line_num,po_shipment_number, po_distribution num and  charge account code

2) Write query to display code combination segment against charge_account ccid of po _distributions

Saturday, 11 March 2023

EBS : Enable "About Page" in Oracle APPS R12

 How to Enable "About Page" in Oracle APPS R12

To Enable "About Page" in Oracle Apps r12, we need to set following Profile options:-

1) FND: Diagnostics = Yes

2) Personalize Self-Service Defn = YES

FUSION: Purchasing Query

  1) ---------CPA to PO Amount---------- select poh.segment1, (select sum(nvl(cpol.quantity,1)* cpol.unit_price) from po_headers_all cpoh,po...