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Showing posts with label EBS : OPM :Query. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EBS : OPM :Query. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 September 2023

EBS : OPM (Process Manufacturing) Important Query in r12

Query to get Formula wise All Resource in OPM

SELECT   gor.resources, crm.resource_desc, crd.nominal_cost,
                  NVL (gor.resource_usage, 1) resource_usage,
                  NVL (gor.process_qty, 1) process_qty
             FROM fm_rout_dtl frd,gmd_operation_activities goa,
                  gmd_operation_resources gor,
                  cr_rsrc_mst crm,
                  cm_rsrc_dtl crd
            WHERE frd.oprn_id = goa.oprn_id
              AND routing_id IN (
                     SELECT gr.routing_id
                       FROM mtl_system_items_kfv ic,
                            fm_matl_dtl dtl,
                            gmd_recipes gr
                      WHERE dtl.formula_id = x_formula_id
                        AND line_no = 1
                        AND line_type = 1
                        AND ic.organization_id = p_inv_org_id
                        AND ic.inventory_item_id = dtl.inventory_item_id
                        AND gr.formula_id = dtl.formula_id
                        AND ic.item_type not like '%TEA%' --added 28nov14 TEA Routing Resource will not appeared
              AND gor.oprn_line_id = goa.oprn_line_id
              AND crm.resources = gor.resources
              AND crm.resources = crd.resources
              AND crd.cost_type_id = p_cost_type_id
              AND period_id = p_period_id
         ORDER BY 1;

#Oracle Apps#EBS #OPM #Process manufacturing #Formula #Resources 

FUSION: Purchasing Query

  1) ---------CPA to PO Amount---------- select poh.segment1, (select sum(nvl(cpol.quantity,1)* cpol.unit_price) from po_headers_all cpoh,po...